Recent Comments

12/25/22, 6:34 AM
Ahh this is so good!
12/25/22, 5:30 AM
Man, now that he’s a size queen I wonder if he’s got a wish…
12/24/22, 6:55 PM
I'm really impressed that you're doing a multi-part entry for Secret Satan! Like last time, the voice is really strong here. 'Redneck plays magic matchmaker while getting his rocks off and learning about the joys of gay sex' is such a wildly creative interpretation of the tags you got. Looking forward to see how you wrap this one up.
12/24/22, 3:01 PM
Excellent job as usual! Not only the story is hot it is very interesting and I am really intrigued by the plot! I was wondering what will be Greek's "purpose" in this story, and I really like the idea of her retaining her memories and maybe trying to Nancy Drew this mystery (?) I admit I'm surprised that Jace couldn't even catch Lewis' meaning. He may be a himbo, but I'm willing to guess he has dated someone in his life. I like that the characters keep their personalities more or less when not in "rut mode". It makes the rut much more hot and it keeps the feeling that they still have good hearts and intentions (unlike a certain asshole convention goer).

12/24/22, 6:42 PM
@Reader Thanks! I keep trying and failing to write stuff without plot, and I knew right from the start I couldn't have the characters totally mindless sex maniacs the whole time. I mean, I *could* but it would be a lot more difficult. Part of the reason Jace is even more clueless than usual is magical interference. I maybe should have made that clearer. Might make some edits.
12/24/22, 9:45 AM
Another chapter, and so soon after the last. Very nice! I love Kyle struggling a bit with how huge his dick is. And I love Lance and Kyle both silently thinking about what the three going to wish for next, with Lance thinking things don’t feel right, only for Kaden to use the globe while they aren’t looking. The sex in this chapter was very hot, along with Lance’s transformation into Keith. I’m very eager to see what Kaden does now that he knows what the globe does. I’m a huge sucker for the bad guy winning, and Kaden was the closest thing this story had to a bad guy in the beginning. Seeing him make some wishes should be good, especially if his old selfish self is still kicking around in there.

12/24/22, 6:34 PM
@[MonsterMash62](/user/show/3332) That is an interesting thought now isn't it? But the question is just that. Is Kaden's old selfish self still in there? And did Kaden even connect the wish to the globe?
12/23/22, 10:13 PM
That Bernard/Tim/Lex stuff was HOT HOT HOT. Love how the wheel just continues to turn and Lex is riding high on top for now. It was a great chapter for him biting out T and B so completely and recovering Dick before anything goes too far awry. With everything seemingly aligning for him not sure if that means things are about to go wrong or exactly how he wants but I imagine it's going to be super fun for us either way. Curious to see the extent of the Hypno Hustlers powers as he's someone I am pretty unfamiliar with.

12/23/22, 11:39 PM
@[fanboi214](/user/show/908190) Hi Fanboi!! I'm glad that you're continuing to ENJOY the storyline, especially with the current Lex/Tim/Bernard scenario!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: THANKS 4 the positive comments & NRG-- I appreciate them & I'm SUPA-GR8FUL!:sparkler: BTW...I was pretty oblivious about Hypno-Hustler myself UNTIL it was just announced the other day that Donald Glover (of "Atlanta"/FX fame) who's been wanting to get cast as a superhero that he would be starring/producing a film based on this villanous character for SONY/Marvel's Spiderman universe... He's working with Myles Murphy (Eddie Murphy's son) as one of the principal writers on the's the link announcing it: So, with ALL that I researched & learnt about the character, he seemed to be a perfect fit for what was needed in this storyline (at this juncture)!!:smiling_imp: I haven't decided EXACTLY what Dick & Rico's fates will be YET (but I welcome any input/thoughts/inspiration from YOU or any other interested parties!)!!:boom: And BTW...I noticed that your "avatar" is Jensen Ackles/"Supernatural"-- :fire: I've just recently been catching up with the mega-15 season run this show has had on NETFLIX, which was created by Eric Kripke (who's also the brainchild behind Amazon Prime's "The Boys"/Superhero series)...Jensen really kicked ass as "Soldier Boy" in Season 4--:muscle: I hope they bring him back (somehow)!!:smirk_cat: All I can tell you is that.....You can be SURE that the Hypno-Hustler scene will be EXTRA:fire:~!!!!!! Ho Ho Ho & Merry XXXXmas, my friend!!:santa:

12/24/22, 12:50 AM
@[supaboivsvillian](/user/show/10027379) Your very welcome as the positive comments were very earned!!!! ;) As far as comment/input about Dick and Rico. I think it might be fun to see them struggle at the hands of the Hypno Hustler. Might be fun to seem them being conscious of his control mentally but no fully able to snap out of it? Not sure if you have ideas in mind. I would love to see Dick's overall trajectory turn move him towards going dark and becoming more of a villain who has a plan to wrest control of the others? As for Rico I wonder if it might be interesting to see what happens if his dust eventually wears off before he ever gets Dick's dick like he so desperately desires. Maybe leave some unfinished business between the guys so they'll have this sizzling sexual tensions where they're enemies but they still want each other. And Rico is angry at himself for being subjugated but secretly remembers his time as Dick's thrall fondly. As far as Jensen he's probably my absolute biggest celeb crush and Dean is one of my favorite characters of all time. Hope you're enjoying Supernatural. I really enjoyed it even if it was a little up and down in my opinion. I agree that Jensen killed it as Soldier Boy and I definitely was happy to see him beef up for the role :P I also have the sneaking suspicion he'll pop up here or there in season 4 but I don't imagine he'll be a regular again.

12/24/22, 4:42 AM
@[fanboi214](/user/show/908190) Ho Ho Ho Fanboi!! THANKS again 4 the quick response & I sincerely appreciate the continued praise/positivity!:raised_hands: I'm taking your thoughtful points about Dick & Rico to heart & will figure out a storyline that adequately suits some/most of your suggestions! :wink: As 4 Jensen (as Dean), I TOTALLY agree with YOU-- from what I've seen so far on "Supernatural" (I've made it thru MOST of Season 1!) & I feel that he's a bit of "a tortured sole/character" (especially w/respect to his Dad & things that happened when he & Sam were younger boys) --at least that's what I'm picking up on so far ....but he's DEFINITELY "the hottie" on the show!:zany_face: With him as Soldier Boy on "The Boys"....they BETTER bring him back in Season 4 (which isn't gonna be released until mid-2023...that's what they're saying!):thinking: I'll do my BEST to setup the NEXT Chapter (Ch.39) over the weekend & get it uploaded right after Xmas!:supervillain: Hope Santa brings U everything you desire this year-- Merry XXXMas & Happy Holidaze!!:santa:
12/22/22, 4:43 AM
Loved the first chapter, like, A LOT. It’s almost precisely bang on for my own personal fetish (just missing bigger muscles, latex, and some technological bits and bobs but that’s all just window dressing). Unlike the others, I’m definitely not a fan of this new Danny, at all, and even a bit pissed at Danny himself. Right about the dinner scene and Danny’s seemingly “meh” commentary on how Noah’s behaving of essentially “Oh yeah, right. I get it…but I look forward to what this means for meeeee,” is where it went kaboom for me. Aside from the fascinating method Noah used, it kind of went downhill from there. That all being said, in for a penny, in for a pound. I’ve always enjoyed your stories and the Birthday Gift story is one of my all time favorite stories from any author. I’m definitely curious to how this progresses and agree the next step should be Gerald. I could easily see this story head in a comedy direction, dark and twisted direction, heartbreaking direction, or a happy-ending type of direction. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes and if it’ll be agile enough to make visits to all the stations without any one of them knocking the train off the tracks. (Begin terrible cartoonish French accent) Ze bar, he has been set high, no monsieur? Should you encounter difficulties, I’m sure we can scrounge up another drone gun to “help you along,” yes? ;) (/end terrible cartoonish French accent)

12/23/22, 11:44 AM
@[Null0byte](/user/show/210784) I wanted to write a story without rubber for a change, and without any technology or fantasy elements besides a maybe little bit of over-the-top hypnosis, i.e. a simple mind-control story. It's great to hear and a huge boost for my motivation to know that there are people out there liking my particular stories, so thank you very much for that encouragement. I've been thinking a lot on how to continue with the next chapter. It's just all too apparent that this new slutty cum-addicted boy isn't that well-liked by the biggest part of my audience. Let's see what I'll come up with now... :innocent:

12/24/22, 4:39 AM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) I get it, and just finally being able to actually go into trance after a lifetime of trying I love the straight-up hypnosis frame. I’m looking forward to seeing what your imagination cooks up!
Sebastián Apollo
12/18/22, 9:42 PM
It's rare that a story can make me laugh, intrigue me, and make me totally hard all while being well-written and providing ample opportunities for characterization. Marco is an absolute stud, Nate is lovable and rootable, Arik is definitely in a new domain, and I love seeing Talley embracing his role as a Siren and a power bottom! Consummation, as always, provides ample opportunities for unique and sexy stories, and this has already delivered in droves. Brilliant work, Soren. And I'm looking forward to see where this goes. _(And an obligatory thank you for the mention towards The Bootyguard, but I'm afraid my own writing skills lack in comparison to yours. But it's most appreciated!)_

12/24/22, 2:34 AM
@[Sebastián Apollo](/user/show/10029736) It's a pleasure to hear that P&FB is pulling off all I wanted for it—I want to make it this exciting, hilarious romp through a fantasy world, and it sounds like that's coming across. It's also good to hear that Nate's a character that feels worthy of being rooted for. He's definitely got a satisfying journey ahead of him, and I'll be drawing that out in chapter 7... I'm excited to keep drawing this out! Thanks for the comment; I've definitely gone back to read this a few times, haha.
12/24/22, 12:04 AM
Nice! I love turnabout stories. Kyle copying Lance’s body, his muscles, his cock and his balls is hot. Kyle getting more dominant and his memories changing to reflect Kaden sucking his big dick is hot. Kyle remembering how Kaden was before still is hot. The descriptions in this chapter really added heat for me. Picturing their eyes and hair color, and Kyle reflecting on his own changed body, just really turned it up a notch. Thanks!!! I’m wondering if Kaden will get his turn with the globe next. I’ll be happy either way, but can’t wait to find out. I’m also wondering if they remember the last 3 wishes they each made, or if it’s just the last 3 wishes that can be remembered. As in, does Lance now only remember the last wish he made, or the last 3 he made? I wonder if that will result in him forgetting he ever used the globe at all. All fun questions to think about and find out in the last 5 parts. I’m still enjoying this story so much.

12/24/22, 1:15 AM
@[MonsterMash62](/user/show/3332) Glad I could make it work. One mechanic is that the user remembers the last three wishes. Lance actually doesn’t have any idea of Kyle’s wishes. Lance only remembers his own as well as the new reality Kyle created. Will Kaden get a turn? Only time will tell.