Recent Comments

11/26/22, 4:58 PM
Can't believe Obmih is content to be equals with Himbo. Is he losing his competitive edge? 😟 Also wow! Return of the plot! :O Gotta say the cyborg thing feels kind of dystopic horror imo but I guess if Hobbes is happy...???

11/26/22, 5:11 PM
@[A Possession A Day](/user/show/1060663) Don't worry, the plot won't be around for long :laughing:
11/25/22, 2:51 PM
nice to see antoher brazilian with hypno kink. would love to sink for you

11/26/22, 4:34 PM
@[karmadini](/user/show/987811) Opa, que ótimo! Somos bem poucos neste mundão. Se quiser conversar mais, me add no Skype ou me mande um email:
11/24/22, 4:58 PM
Very hot. However there is several 'her' words in there that take away the excitement.

11/26/22, 4:33 PM
@[Hautehawt](/user/show/1009866) Thanks for the feedback, I only speak Portuguese, my native language, and Spanish very well. I'm still starting to study English, but it's all very basic, so I use online translators to translate my text written in Portuguese into English, but I would love it if someone could proofread it, helping me and correcting the imperfections. Would you like to help me?
11/26/22, 2:46 PM
AWESOME story! Can't wait to read THE chapter...
11/26/22, 2:50 AM
Really loved this. Fingers crossed that we will get a chapter 2.
11/25/22, 11:38 PM
Amazing chapter. I loved this! So so hot. Love their oblivious, dumb jock behaviour and Theo trying to hard to drop hints that aren't picked up. Can't wait for more!
11/25/22, 2:50 AM
Hello, my friend! Just got in from sledding. I'm at my family's home in Maine for the next few days. Took the red, red-eye and slept until 9am this morning. That's late for me, lol, as I'm up usually by 4:30 am to go running. I ate sparingly yet I'm still filled-up, thus the sledding. It was loads of fun, and I do so love the chilly willy weather. I'm sad on your behalf 😔! Life can suck so horribly! I've wished for so long we lived where worldwide all sexual orientions were accepted as part of the norm (exceptions Pedophilia, Beastiality, etc.). It'd be so nice to go about life dating, holding holds, kissing, etc in public like the so called normal straights do... ... ... *sour expression*! ☹ Maybe eventually, your true first love will reevaluate his feelings and give your love story the renewal it deserves? Hope doth spring eternal! 😇 I found out from this sites admin (great guy, Martin) that my story was never received for validation. So I'm gonna start from scratch... again... *lighthearted frustrated grumpy lol* 😖. I hope your Turkey Day was fun-filled, food-filled, and drama-free!!! 🍗🍞🍄🥕🌽🥔 Yay! Yay! Yay! 24... here I cummmmm... late, late tonight, in my room. Like in my youth with the stereotypical young lad utilizing the torch under his bed clothes, perusing dirty mags or comic books, etc. I was always the latter, Lol! Have a sweet night, SuperDude! 😄.

11/25/22, 2:56 AM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) where in maine....thats where i am

11/25/22, 10:25 AM
@[curiousj](/user/show/10030564) 0gunquit! Where are you? Driving up to Freeport (Down East) to hit the L.L. Bean store. I always enjoy going there. Later!

11/25/22, 4:43 PM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) portland

11/25/22, 5:19 PM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) Cheers ZAI! I see U & CuriousJ are BOTH enjoying the CRISP splendor of MAINE!!:snowflake: SO GLAD U were able to sort out the logistics of your story with the GSS Staff...they are AWESOME, aren't they!??! Thanks 4 your kind/comforting words about my "first love experience"....:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: LIFE is take the pain from one experience & you hopefully grow from that a STRONGER human being....:muscle: and it did help me, emancipate myself from my parents control/hold over me & I was able to achieve/succeed in my career (& I did find love again, twice), but now, I may be alone, but I'm secure/confident in LOVING MYSELF!:heartpulse: Hope U ENJOY Chs. 24 (& 25, which I just submiited moments ago!).... Have an AWESOME weekend in MAINE!:snowboarder:
11/25/22, 1:19 AM
damn im so looking part to next part.....lex luthor will dominate

11/25/22, 2:35 PM
@[curiousj](/user/show/10030564) Hi CuriousJ! THANKS 4 your comment & Hope U had an AWESOME Turkey Day!:turkey: Happy that U R still enjoying the story...Stay tuned 4 MORE Domination from Lex!:smiling_imp: GR8FUL for your continued interest & Have an INCREDIBLE weekend!:innocent:
11/24/22, 12:10 PM
God that was so incredibly hot the second part with them in the woods had me on edge the whole time!

11/24/22, 11:13 PM
@[DannyStorm](/user/show/10002076) Omg, thank you for this! The whole scene in the woods was not planned, and I was unsure if it would end up as hot as I envisioned in my mind. Glad you liked it!

11/25/22, 6:29 AM
@[Elmara](/user/show/910352) Definitely looking forward to the next chapter
Sebastián Apollo
11/25/22, 4:13 AM
Theo is a lucky, lucky boy. Isn't this the gay dream of getting tons of hot, hung, and horny jocks to endlessly pleasure and please? The only thing missing, in my humble opinion, are those juicy jock booties! 🤤 But there's plenty of time to rectify that! Great work!