Story Challenge


***Your world has turned upside down!*** This is the first challenge crossing all three sites, i.e. it can either be about mind control, BDSM, a romance, or any combination of these. The stories should be inspired by some event that turns the life of the protagonist(s) upside down. This change should be really dramatic but it can be very local and personal or affect the whole world. Tell us about the mind-blowing consequences for your character(s) that everything they knew and took for granted is suddenly questioned and invalidated and that they have to see everything from a very different perspective.
The following requirements are enacted for this challenge in addition to the [usual rules]( * The story has to revolve around some revolutionary event that turns the protagonists' lives upside down. * The authors are not shown until the final results are up - to keep up the suspense! * The whole story must be contained in a single submission, it's not possible for one author to submit more than one story! * The stories should be short enough to be enjoyed in a single "session". I don't recommend stories to be much longer than 10.000 words.
Submission deadline: March 20, 2022 at 11:59:59 PM GMT
Final standings available!

Top 5 Entries

Attention: You are currently on GayKinkyStories! Because of that, you're missing out on 17 challenge entries! Head over to GayKinkyStories to see them all!
: 3.77
: 4.68
: 3.54
: 4.64
: 4.54
: 4.45
: -
: -
: 117
: 3.11
: 4.67
: 4.72
: 4.58
: 4.65
: 4.81
: 4.53
: -
: 52
Perry has always been fascinated by puppy play. After he meets Mitch at a bar off-campus, he goes to meet his new friend to try on some of his puppy play gear. What he finds will turn his life around in ways he never expected.

Followup stories listed in random order!

Attention: You are currently on GayKinkyStories! Because of that, you're missing out on 17 challenge entries! Head over to GayKinkyStories to see them all!
When my roommate Alex got tired of being my fighting game punching bag, he found a new game to play involving rubber and a curious phone app.