Galaxy Brain

When busboy Diego has a moment of impossible inspiration, it sets him down an unexpected path of mad science, literally mind-blowing sex, secret cabals of fellow geniuses, shadowy G-men on the prowl, and definitely real aliens.
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Diego invents a pill that will transform his body to make him ‘optimally built for sex’. It’s only after taking it that he realizes it’s made him multi-orgasmic… via his butt.
Diego isn’t a typical mad scientist – he apparently needs to fuck to have his genius breakthroughs. He definitely isn’t gay, but when men seem to be more willing to hook-up than women… Well, the topic calls for further hands-on experimentation…
When straight busboy Diego discovers that climaxing can temporarily make him a mad genius, he starts looking for a way to maintain his new inventing skills -- a way that doesn't require gay action (like getting blown by his boss in the restaurant kitchen). Will applying the scientific approach will yield results, or explosions?
When busboy Diego has a moment of impossible inspiration, it sets him down an unexpected path of mad science, literally mind-blowing sex, secret cabals of fellow geniuses, shadowy G-men on the prowl, and definitely real aliens.