Recent Comments

10/30/18, 1:24 PM
Unless it was unconscious, it wasn't a Tennessee Williams reference.
10/30/18, 4:55 AM
Another great chapter! The theory about Mike the Spike being all of the world's actors is great, and Blu's new personality is fun, too (I would love to meet an adorable little twink like that!). Love it all! And finally, the theatre nerd in me has to ask--was the "wouldn't it be awesome if it were true" a direct reference to "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof?" I love Tennessee Williams, so the line jumped out at me. :p
10/23/18, 5:59 AM
Love how Pierce was acting as their fairy godfather for this whole experience! That comment he made about being a minority and fitting in, resonated so hard with me. As a fellow gay/unique minority dude, it's easy to see the appeal. While it makes me wish I could try some mariposa, it also makes me appreciate me for being me. Thanks for writing such a great story.
10/23/18, 12:24 AM
Pierce is an arrogant POS and needs to be humbled.
10/22/18, 11:26 PM
Fantastic! Even though this was the "exposition" chapter, I love how you still made it into a character study of Pierce as well. You truly are one of the best writers on this site. :) And hooray for your mantra! I feel safer about Todd now. Can't wait to see what happens next...but take your time writing! Do what YOU like at your own pace. You'll always have at least one reader!
10/22/18, 10:26 PM
My motto as a writer: No Character Left Behind. I knew this was going to be a heavy exposition chapter -- it's basically a two-man one-act play -- but this seemed like a logical place to break it before the action of Day 3 really kicks in.
10/22/18, 8:56 PM
...and please don't forget Todd. :)
10/22/18, 6:37 PM
I love this story! This is kind of the "explanation" portion, but Pierce is such an amazing creation. He's endlessly fascinating - I just love reading about him. I look forward to the end of this story, but I strongly encourage you to keep Pierce in your arsenal in case he has other friends he wants to treat in a royal way.
10/20/18, 11:57 PM
I totally agree with "LongtimeFan." I love this series, but after this installment, my empathy totally went away with the hedonistic newlyweds and landed with poor Todd. He was dropped so suddenly that I hope that he's picked up again. Maybe he ends up with Pierce and the latter brings him out of his shell.