Recent Comments

5/7/21, 10:59 PM
Really enjoyed this - vivid storytelling with a fantastic balance between eroticism and romance. Well done.

5/8/21, 3:11 AM
@HunkLover Thanks! appreciate it.
5/8/21, 12:05 AM
i just found this. Is that you? come through to me.
5/7/21, 11:32 PM
Major kudos to the beta readers that helped edit and polish this into its final form!
5/7/21, 2:46 PM
Very nicely done! I especially appreciated the whimsy of your line, "after a raid using their wits and athleticism, as well as some well-placed bribes, a grappling hook, and a reliably rowdy camel. To say nothing of the sex, which, hot :D

5/7/21, 5:36 PM
@Noam de Pluma. Thank you! I was trying to catch a little bit of that fun pulp feel before the intense stuff started. The camel ended up being more significant than originally planned, ha!
5/6/21, 11:47 AM
Crying. Absolutely CRYING. When I tell you my heart leaped when I saw this post...and it was worth it. The contrast between the two sex scenes was amazing: the final time between Willem and Jake made me understand why it's called *making love.* And the confession scene between the hurts. Willem's actions admittedly raise my hackles a bit ("If you really loved me"--terrifying line, that), but overall this has been an amazing story that's left me unsure of what conclusion I want. Could Willem be happy being gay? Is it wrong for him to "turn gay" because of a curse? I am so eager to see what happens. Thank you for this gift. :)

5/6/21, 1:09 PM
@Feed Your Head my heart fluttered too. this is such a great story from the beginning. I never come to this site for the plot, but this one tugs at my heart a bit.

5/7/21, 12:18 AM
@Feed Your Head I feel like there's definitely something cathartic in Willem's admission that he doesn't want to be gay. I think especially for bottoms, there can be a lot of shame and self loathing involved because they do want some normal things in life, but their desires make those things harder. However, unlike most gay guys, Willem might actually get to make a choice. And if he doesn't it will be entirely relatable. We'll have to see.

5/7/21, 3:49 AM
@randomcreativename It's definitely a powerful moment, especially because it shows the truly strange dichotomy among our people. To have wild, unprotected anal sex with total strangers? That we accept. But to love someone of the same sex? To kiss them and romance them? No, THAT's gay. I can't understand that...I mean, I get it logically, but I don't UNDERSTAND it. Also, I'm curious as to what you mean by bottoms "wanting some normal things in life." Bottoming is totally normal! I don't like to conflate "typical" with "normal," if that makes sense...
5/7/21, 1:45 AM
Oh my stars, *Dace*, this ticks so many of my boxes I can't even. I love the unique characterization you gave to all the wolves, the aborted sex scene was blisteringly hot while it lasted, the emotional connection between Tim and Aed resonates... ugh, this is amazing work.
5/7/21, 1:21 AM
Ooh, I *like*. Not sure why it took so long for me to read this, but I'm sure as hell glad I got to it at last!
5/7/21, 12:48 AM
LOVE this story! I look forward to how you conclude it and hope for the best for Jake and Willem.
5/7/21, 12:14 AM
I love stories that have some love between the protagonists; especially with the whole arc of Willem's self growth. I personally love happy endings, but please continue the great work with the finale.
5/6/21, 6:52 PM
Hot, heart-wrenching... amazing. Amazing work. Bring it all home next chapter! (Also: I expect some resolution to the B-plot of Willem's new wardrobe that's designed for a giant bubble butt. Don't think we've forgotten *that* bit of storyline :P )

5/6/21, 6:58 PM
@Noam de Pluma personally, I think Jake has the final say in the curse...fingers crossed, after all its because of him Willem got cursed to begin with
5/6/21, 2:41 PM
loving the story hope to read mire real soon. keep the seed spreading !
5/6/21, 10:02 AM
Truly a nice change of pace to have a romantically centred story. I love this one! Can't wait to read the finale.
5/6/21, 6:50 AM
I love this series but it hits me hard in the feels. Poor Jake. Heartbreaking. Cautiously optimistic for the last chapter.

5/6/21, 7:19 AM
5/6/21, 7:07 AM
Daamnn, so invested in this story. If this was like a book trilogy, I'd read the shit out of it.

5/6/21, 7:18 AM
@Cen some of these stories would make a great tv series or movie...this story reminds me a lot of queer as folk with a curse instead of chance.
5/6/21, 7:05 AM
Jesus, can't believe I'm reading this for the romance. Very well paced
5/6/21, 5:45 AM
so good!!
5/4/21, 12:06 PM
Love the smoldering, almost fairy-tale-esque storytelling, the play of desire and denial, the beautifully rounded characters, the burgeoning world-building. Amazing work, my dude.
5/4/21, 6:46 AM
I liked this chapter a lot, although I wish we could have seen more of the father recruiting Hazim.
5/3/21, 12:06 AM
wow this is just so hot, and so much fun! i really cant wait till the next chapter!
5/2/21, 6:57 PM
well done! you transitioned from well written wank material into just a full on well written story.
5/2/21, 3:14 AM
This story is incredible! I love the mix of humor, sex, and romance. I really hope it works out between Jake and Willem. Well done!
5/2/21, 2:13 AM
Strong, clever, hot, smart, engaging, affecting, sexy... I can't say enough about this series. I can't wait to see where you take it next. Poor Jeffrey though. 1,000 tops for that throwaway joke?? I hope you write him in as having found a few bathhouses or circuit parties to get gangbanged at so he can get through his ordeal sooner than later. Ooh, maybe a spinoff series? I'd read the hell out of that...
5/1/21, 10:38 PM
I love this series. I am all for the dumbing down man whore vibe. It works for me but I love the humanity and love in this. These two aren't bad, just misguided, lonely and confused. I love where this seems to be going. It's great to see characters grow and change. Keep it up.
5/1/21, 9:36 PM
I've NEVER read one of these stories on this site for the plot, but damn this series is sexy, romantic, and thoughtful. I will be impatiently waiting for the conclusion for sure. I just hope everyone gets their happy ending...and that's another thing I never care about. I feel really bad for Jake, but I'm getting QAF Justin/Brian vibes, without the mind control,from these two and we know how that ended.
5/1/21, 12:56 AM
Hahahahaha, how did I never see this before? This is amazing and so entertaining. Something I absolutely love about your stories is that you're not afraid to take your strange ideas and run with them, and somehow, every time, it's a hit. Love it!

5/1/21, 9:31 PM
@firesix Aw, thanks! I appreciate the kind words!
5/1/21, 1:38 PM
Well now I'm just crying. What a story, and what twists and turns. We see flashes of the "usual" Willem at the beginning ("Does it matter?"), but his helping Jeffrey out to prevent his own curse from getting worse shows maturity and growth. The Willem and Jake conflict is gorgeous, from the genius simile of the hunger after a sugar crash (I may need to start using that one!) to the eternal struggle of romance and love versus sex to the brilliant dialog between them (I loved when Jake called Willem out for his hypocrisy). It feels like Willem wants ALL of Jake--as a friend, as a lover, as his boyfriend--but is too internally homophobic to accept it. Add in the mystery element of "Zeus dick" (and Willem choosing to go after Jake rather than pursuing that lead) and you have me eagerly checking the site for updates. And finally, you included my favorite TV show ever! Thank you for being a friend... :D
5/1/21, 11:22 AM
I hope things work out for them.
5/1/21, 9:04 AM
Damn. Feeling bad for the both of them. Something that crossed my mind though i hadn't thought about before is what happens if Willem goes back to being "straight" and can't get into being fucked but still has feelings for Jake. This is the kind of messy romance drama we love to see! Waiting as always for the next chapter!
4/27/21, 12:40 AM
Any news or updates on the next chapter(s)?

4/28/21, 3:56 AM
@KnyghtStalker Not sure, this year has been one crisis after another so far. Between keeping older relatives safe, getting them vaccinated, and a death in the family at the end of last year (old age not the virus) that we haven't been able to deal with until everyone got their shots I haven't had the focus or energy to work on the story for more then a couple of minutes a day. What I have is mostly scattered scenes that were on my mind when I got a moment to myself, the ending which is mostly done, and the cleaned up bit that was the beginning of the original upload which will be either chapter three or four. Chapter two is partially done, but my muse is currently failing to create the missing parts. Hopefully things will calm down next month and I'll be able to devote some time to working on the story.

4/29/21, 3:09 AM
@Johntheedoe The delays are understandable given everything that is going on. Just happy to hear that you did not decide to stop developing the story.
4/27/21, 4:01 AM
What a fun story! I love that Willem and Jake seem to be drifting together emotionally as well as continuing their hot physical encounters. You’re doing a terrific job developing them as characters we actually care about and empathize with – especially the little twat Willem who I now actually want to see get his HEA. And of course sweet Jake who I’d love to see a little magic from our favorite Drag Witch prod into becoming a (still lovable) hottie. Count me amongst those anxiously waiting to learn about the discarded note, too!