Recent Comments

7/19/21, 12:26 PM
where is the rest of this story? I've read this before and i know it went farther then them getting on the bus!

7/19/21, 11:18 PM
@Kerwin I've started rewriting it into the multi chapter story it should have been in the first place. The original upload had a lot cut out (the first lines are actually the beginning of Chapter 3) and was horribly compressed (the first chapter is already longer than the original upload) to try and fit inside the guidelines of the challenge. The current status of the rewrite is Chapter 1: Complete and posted Chapter 2: Partially done (there are a few scenes that aren't cooperating) Chapter 3: Just needs 2 posted and a little polishing Then there is a mass of outline and a few scattered scenes roughly where they belong The last three chapters of the story are in basically the same state as 3 I haven't had a lot of time for writing this year and my muse has been focused on later parts of the story when I've had time to work on it so progress has been slow, but I am going to get this story posted if it kills me. It just might take a while.
7/19/21, 10:39 PM
I'm a simple man, I see big sub small top in a hypno gay story, I'm in. Also, feet, thanks for that, the more the merrier <3
7/18/21, 3:20 PM
The reality change stuff here is great. I hope things stay positive and fun. I do like the college is free element, nice touch. Also him getting a new phone as a sign of more saved money is great. Them remembering the old is good too. In fact I would totally add something like "[name] always remembers what things like were before a change even as he fully knows how things are now." But yeah, lots of fun here. PS. Hope some rimming occurs. :)

7/19/21, 1:28 AM
Thanks! Glad my little setting changes came through. I'm planning on working in your suggestion to the main characters' list of "safety clauses." No promises on when, but there will definitely be rimming at some point. @Heru Kane

7/19/21, 4:07 PM
@bluesuedewho awesome stuff. Looling forward to that. Oh, by the way, I could see him writimg something like "STDs were wiped out by science" and "Male butts are strenchy and can easily and safely take even the biggest cocks" and maybe even "male butts have a natural lube to make them clean". Hehe Lots of fun could be had here. Like I know I would give straight guy bubble butts and make it so gay guys naturally have bigger cocks. Hehe Anyway. Whether you like or use my ideas or npt, minus the rimming, yay on that, this is a good story!

7/19/21, 7:29 PM
We must be thinking alike! About half these things are already in my draft for chapter 2! @Heru Kane
7/19/21, 7:22 AM
big sub and you'll get a fan for life
7/18/21, 8:36 PM
I have an idea, make the coach a big submissive bottom and in a relationship with one of the teacher of the arts department (like the theater one)

7/19/21, 1:32 AM
I don't currently have plans for any coach characters, but I'll keep it in mind! @darkblade2814

7/19/21, 5:36 AM
@bluesuedewho I see, I hope the idea helps
7/19/21, 12:32 AM
Very nice first chapter. It's light, it's fun, and I like that, so far, everyone likes their steadily improving world. Personally I do hope they get around to unifying the university dress code. The gentlemen of campus should have a right to enjoy a shirtless, pantsless experience as well. Great work!

7/19/21, 1:40 AM
Thanks! I've been aiming for light and fun with my recent stories. And as an egalitarian institution, I can guarantee that San Amaro's dress code will soon recognize the rights of male students to attend class sans shirt or pants! @TickledPink
7/18/21, 10:02 PM
I really enjoyed this -- looking forward to more. Glad it isn't just a story where two guys purposefully make it worse for each other. This is a fun relationship.

7/19/21, 1:37 AM
Thanks! I've discovered in the past couple of years that I like stories that take a playful approach to kinks/tropes. I still like the dark "squirmy" stuff from time to time, but stuff with a lighter, fun tone has been the most appealing lately. @absman420
7/18/21, 7:59 PM
Did the boys just end this chapter with a big mistake, inadvertently GIVING Marc a magical cock that he suggested he had but didn't technically have? A charm that he can use to get what he wants, including from Gabe who is not immune to Marc's "magic" and might be turned into Marc's agent against Sam? My head is spinning at the potential for a future chapter.... :)

7/19/21, 1:31 AM
Aha! Glad people are catching that little slip-up from Sam! Lucky for the main characters, Marc only uses his dick for good, not evil. With great junk comes great responsibility! @Steve Shay
7/18/21, 4:30 PM
totally in love with the plot and character development... can't wait for more!

7/19/21, 1:29 AM
Thanks! @
7/18/21, 4:26 PM
Super into it! Can't wait to see where it goes :) thanks for posting!

7/19/21, 1:29 AM
Thanks! @