Recent Comments

9/11/21, 4:29 PM
Very nice chapter, some little faults here and there but nothing dramatic. I feel the same thing as with some of the previous story: In a monarchy, especially how Jae was portrayer in the first story, people shouldn't have nearly have as much power to talk back as they seems to think they do in this series. How could father Martin take Colt if he is locked up? Also, isn't Colt the younger brother of Zane? I'm a bit confused by that threat. Why is he bringing him up when talking with the emperor rather than with Zane ("you come, or I take your brother" would make more sense, if I remember correctly). On the other hand, If Colt if of the royal family, why would he be let anywhere near a guy they want to arrest? How could Martin get to him? The reaction of the parent was sadly believable, on the other hand. Hard conservative families believe what they want... And I still have some issue with the constant power unbalance. I repeat, but if one character has no choice but to leave with another, it creates a dynamic that is only worsened by the class difference. And the Morningstar are really starting to accept only people who have no choice but to stay with them or going back to their abusers... I do think the main couple is cute, i just would appreciate it better if it didn't feel like Zane accepted to marry a guy he known for a few days because he can't go back to his family. It feels more pragmatic or desperate than romantic.

9/11/21, 4:37 PM
@BobbyBlobfish thanks for the comments. I was trying to portray it as a bluff, Father Martin actually wouldn't do anything to Colt. He was trying to force the hand of the Mornignstar family to give him up, by taking one of there own. As for the power balance, I'm still trying to work with that more. Also, on the part of Jae having this absolute power, I'll address that too, because, he actually doesn't, but I don't think I ever touched on that, so thanks for reminding me on that. I can see how that is confusing. I'll take your suggestions and apply them to the next chapter.

9/14/21, 5:04 PM
@Jonanator Hum, okay. That explain a lot. Thanks for the explanation. It's always complicated to deal with power balances when there is something that clearly push in a favor of one character. Oh that Jae doesn't full power, okay. Really was not easy to see with him kicking a minister and generally doing a bit like he wants. Clarifications would be nice, indeed.

9/14/21, 6:09 PM
@BobbyBlobfish yeah, I'll touch on that in the next chapter. I'll post it in a bit
9/14/21, 1:09 AM
Can't wait to seem more. looking forward to it.

9/14/21, 9:49 AM
@Jonanator Fingers crossed you like what's coming!

9/14/21, 11:23 AM
@HunkLover oh, I will
9/14/21, 12:56 AM
This is ... shockingly sweet. I'm very excited to read more of this!

9/14/21, 9:49 AM
Thanks @Jack! With 'The Devil By My Side' allowing me to explore my darker more complex side, I thought I'd just try to tell a sweet, simple story... I hope you enjoy it!
9/13/21, 10:04 PM
cant wait for another chapter
9/13/21, 9:45 PM
This is one of my favorite stories in a long time. I check the site daily for updates. I kinda hope this is a LONG story. There is so much you can do with this. Keep up the amazing work!
9/13/21, 1:32 PM
Whoa! I give you an "A" for originality!!! Looking forward to see where you're gonna take this one.

9/13/21, 3:14 PM
Aw... thank you @nycboot! It's just a bit of a fun thing for me to write, but already the ideas are bubbling away!
9/13/21, 12:21 AM
Wow. Love this series so much - especially the slightly indirect nature of the latest edits. Like, Gabe's precum making recipients just kind of *anticipate* what's next is such a clever little twist on what could be a run-of-the-mill "my precum makes you horny" idea. Which, lol, is actually quite a bizarre idea, unless you're operating on the relative scale that is GSS, so... Anyway. Point is, I liked it. Insanely hot chapter. Keep it coming!
9/12/21, 7:38 PM
excited to see where this goes

9/12/21, 8:47 PM
To be honest, @Human Dragon Fruit... so am I! :D
9/12/21, 7:19 AM
What a twist! Looking forward to more.

9/12/21, 8:46 PM
@Norismo I'll keep trying to provide more twists and turns!
9/11/21, 9:48 PM
OK, **definitely** following this one!

9/12/21, 8:46 PM
@Buckyboi Well, thank you very much! I hope you enjoy it!