Recent Comments

4/22/22, 8:17 AM
I'm so glad this series is back! :star_struck:

4/23/22, 5:17 AM
@Norismo Took a while, but I wasn't going to abandon these characters!
4/23/22, 3:02 AM
Right. Now I’m now up to date.
4/16/22, 6:42 PM
Love this story. Would love to see more with the clone(s) :)

4/16/22, 7:27 PM
Sorry, no clones. The purpose of the clones is to replace the originals and take their place in life so no one notices that they're missing

4/18/22, 4:41 AM
@Fire302 - But that increases the population by 1/4

4/18/22, 7:36 AM
Oh shit your right, I didn’t think about that until you brought it up. I guess copying a person would increase the population, I don’t know how to fix this. But then again do you think Thanos thought his plan through?

4/23/22, 1:04 AM
@Fire302 - I'd assume the clones get recycled by getting re-cast as new men whenever their genetic counterpart gets placed with a master.
4/22/22, 1:31 PM
This was really sweet and felt very down-to-Earth. I’m definitely going to read more!
4/22/22, 11:31 AM
Wow still going good, and Martin your right about Nathan now I’ll add Gabe
4/22/22, 3:10 AM
Loving this series!! Hot!!
4/21/22, 7:54 PM
I am liking this series, last chapter I wondered who had it better , this one it’s Nathan

4/21/22, 8:15 PM
@Bimarguy Definitely Nathan. All the time :)
4/21/22, 1:10 AM
If you're not attracted to women, can you still get some of those Sextarian upgrades, or would you end up being a slave? (asking for a friend) I'd like to see that play out. 🫢

4/21/22, 1:16 AM
No. The Sextarians only convert straight guys into gay cybernetic slaves to serve actual gay guys. They ignore gay guys as they are their customers.

4/21/22, 2:49 AM
Remember the goal is to force straight guys into gay relationships to slow down the population growth.

4/21/22, 4:17 AM
@Fire302 I figured, but some of those upgrades and going to gay school for years sounds too enticing to pass up. 🤤 Thanks for creating this world!
4/21/22, 1:02 AM
@Cuddle-Switch. I did not really think about Rhys uncovering a trail of his own leading to Aris rather than obscuring it. And I should have. :) Brilliant idea. And a great way to add a little conflict to Rhys's and Aris's relationship. Why do you like characters ending in S. My brain struggles with using apostrophes with them. :D In case it wasn't clear, I am very eager for the next chapter and to see where you are both heading with things. Iskios has information the crew could use but also a vested interest in not intervening to keep competition to a minimum. Unless getting them to concentrate on their lost crew member opens more opportunities for him, perhaps. Having Jasper show off and Rhys still maintaining dominance was masterfully crafted. You should be proud. It was clear and felt very natural and real.
4/21/22, 12:00 AM
one of my favorite stories!!!! can’t wait for more
4/20/22, 9:57 PM
Jaison and Paul Brothers, I want to say. No Jack and Paul ;)
4/20/22, 9:49 PM
Oddball series with conceptual, trippy delivery, and now it delivers on a stupendously hot sex scene. Might be the highest rating I've ever given a story.
4/20/22, 9:45 PM
Hello Elmara! I'm very happy you come back to write. You are my favourite author ever! Congrats for this new chapter. I miss you a lot. So, my personal fetish is about medical stuff (like Physical exams with doctors and hot dicked straight dumb jocks) or massage. Maybe you can imagine something in this escenarios with Theo and Jon or with Jack and Paul brothers from slutty naughty jock series. It will be epic!!. Anyway, anything your write is always awsome. Thanks for your work dude.
4/20/22, 9:45 PM
Good stuff. I felt the Officer's orgasm was suitably preposterous.
4/20/22, 9:38 PM
The blow job 'right there in the store' and then B.Dawg's transformation was a game-changer. B.Dawgs' forced change was something, mate. Up until now, I was getting 'silly', but now I'm getting psychedelic, mind-bending, avant-garde as well. Added to that it's now making me realise this was always there; The series was always ludicrous; now it's _still_ that, but consciousness-warping as well. I was sticking with it to be honourable. Now it's I think one of the most significant things I've ever read on the site. I can't compliment it enough. Good Shit.
4/20/22, 9:15 PM
I need to confess for context I read ahead a few chapters and then came back to comment and rate this-and-each chapter I read this session. I did it for no other reason than not wishing to break up my reading with Spider's-brain-install:/feedback-module/formulate/opinion/scan-for-opinion-kindness/spellcheck/post/re-read/return to reading-the-series-as-a-reader mode. So I did it for selfish reasons but boy oh boy, am I glad I did. I think this is the last chapter where readers (if they're anything like me) will be vulnerable to 'not getting this' and saying "nah, whatever this is, it's too stupid for me, or something." Because of where the series goes (IMO), this chapter is— in hindsight— fine. This and most of the chapters become re-readable in a more legitimate light (again IMO). I was getting kinda tired of the softness and the silliness it was starting to feel wilfully pea-brained. In hindsight, however, this chapter is fine and I've raised my ratings for it both accordingly, and, for reasons I'll go into in subsequent chapter's comments.
4/20/22, 8:08 PM
Hard to pick who I’m happier for , Reese or Nathan
4/20/22, 1:28 PM
I think the formatting broke at some point, some of the stories aren't showing using the site's normal formatting.

4/20/22, 2:40 PM
@Alex Everrett Thanks for letting us know, I've fixed the formatting
4/20/22, 6:37 AM
so hot, more contains please
4/20/22, 4:00 AM
Yes!!! You're back!!! I love this story and I love you. Eagerly awaiting more!
4/19/22, 4:45 PM
Just curious about the next chapter.

4/20/22, 1:56 AM
@Honeyflower I won't always upload daily
4/20/22, 1:38 AM
And you managed to kick it up a notch again! Loved the second part so much. You've opened the world even further and the possibilities are exciting!
4/19/22, 5:24 PM
Loving this story so far! Hail Penis!
4/19/22, 5:11 PM
I love it, thank you~
4/19/22, 7:38 AM
I can’t believe I had no idea about this story! I loved it from beginning to end, last chapter and this one. It’s so _wholesome_. What’s hilarious and wonderful to me is that Jon does think Theo is hot, but either doesn’t connect it to their frequent, extremely dirty fucking, or does and just plays the role for fun. At the same time, there does seem to be something pheromonic about these hot jocks’ cocks. I can’t wait to find out more. (All I’d suggest is to take all that cum the jocks are producing to another level and bring in some cum inflation. A little bit of a gut in a flat stomach, brought about by a massive load of cum, is just the hottest thing… but that’s just my opinion.)

4/19/22, 12:49 PM
@Soren Fitz Just wanted to chime in and say I like a bit of bloat, too! Sexy as hell. :D
4/19/22, 12:49 PM
Welcome back! I remember falling in love with Jon the instead I started reading about him—and this just proved it more. It’s fascinating to read a story where sex is totally separated from romance and even orientation, as it were: Jon genuinely believes that all of Theo’s actions are harmless fun. It’s an odd attitude for sure, but one that’s definitely interesting to read about! Now all I need to do is find a guy like Jon in real life… :p
4/19/22, 12:37 PM
So Hot Man, Thank You!
4/19/22, 12:26 PM
Just simply fantastic.
4/19/22, 11:48 AM
Loved it! I hope that the hot dumb jock will fall on a cock too in the future
4/19/22, 10:58 AM
A very hot chapter with some nice mythology thrown in. I'm a little worried for Paul not being able to satisfy his urges. :)