Recent Comments

6/18/22, 12:39 AM
Enjoyed this! Would love to see more from this world
6/17/22, 6:31 PM
This was a real treat! I'd love to read more of these characters if you're ever up to it. I kinda wanna know how outsiders react to their superheros becoming more and more slutty

6/17/22, 11:37 PM
@gargayle Thank you so much! We've definitely got more planned with these and other characters!
6/17/22, 10:42 PM
Im right at the beginning, but could this be spilt into multiple chapters on the website?

6/17/22, 11:36 PM
@KinkyNickInSea Hey! Thank you for the suggestion! Yes, it could have been but we chose to post it this way because the sex is in the second half of the story. We know it's long, but we hope you'll give it a shot anyway! GKS has a pretty robust bookmarking system that you can bookmark any paragraph from.
6/17/22, 3:29 PM
I'm not sure the title fits the story when it seems like everything turned out for the best. I do so love a happy ending.

6/17/22, 3:43 PM
@goodbiforever 100% agree, i struggle with titles tbh. Any suggestions?

6/17/22, 10:30 PM
@PuffDeamon I like "How I Became Possessed by a Demon," myself He doesn't have his body taken over, as one would expect from the phrase. Instead he ends up a possession OF the demon. So it's kind of intentionally misleading and mildly punny.

6/17/22, 11:25 PM
@goodbiforever I like a punny name. I considered calling it simply demon slave, hoping that the reader would assume Jakob get's to own a demon slave instead of becoming a demon slave himself. Titles are hard XD
6/16/22, 2:28 AM
Loved the entire thing. Great work

6/16/22, 3:00 AM
Thank you! I’ve got the rest of the story percolating about somewhere in the back of my head. One of these days I’ll bring it to the front of my head, and from there to a computer screen near you.

6/17/22, 10:59 PM
@Noam de Pluma thanks I can't wait!
6/17/22, 9:02 PM
Really hot story, please continue
6/17/22, 6:57 PM
What a great story. Original idea and very well written. And hot! You’ve created a whole new universe here. I hope you will continue it!
6/17/22, 5:09 PM
I'd definitely love to see whatever other ideas you have for these characters, this was great and I'd love to see more!
6/16/22, 6:54 PM
I am loving this story so far! Excellent concept, great characters and a really fun read. My one deal breaker will be that I NEED Marc and Sam to end up together. I'm ok waiting til close to the end, but I'm so in love with the sweet Marc now that I really need to see him end up happy!

6/16/22, 9:54 PM
@MicroModal Thanks! I have a lot of Marc planned for the next chapter.
6/15/22, 6:13 PM
Love the lore in this story and the way you deliver it! It points to a waaay larger universe. Also, I love Wyatt so much and I really hope to see more of him in the future. This is such a cool idea for a story and I'm really glad it got written!

6/15/22, 6:16 PM This story would have stayed rent-free in my head if you didn’t give me the reason I needed to kick it to the ~~curb~~ screen. Now to work on chapter 2 :grimacing: …