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6/28/22, 6:29 PM
I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Perfect. Slice of Life saga now please
6/28/22, 6:26 PM
As always, Jese is my favorite hypnotized boy, and your story does a masterful job at letting us into his mind, experiencing his confusion and how his mind slowly bends to everything his master is programming him to do, feel and think. I can never read your stories in one go, cause once you get going, I need a break every few paragraphs. No one does the hypno mind-state like you. This one was probably one of the funnest as well. For a moment, I thought Herald was getting both Jessy and Randy, the whole inclusion of the bear was super hot. As always, can't wait for the next adventure with Jese. Kudos!
6/28/22, 4:34 PM
Aaah, Jese. My favourite protagonist. Such a slut at heart, but he doesn't know it. Just needs a guiding hand.
6/28/22, 3:54 AM
So great to see you back. Loved this.
6/28/22, 2:03 AM
Very interesting and sexy. Jese is such a slut. I wonder if the two friends hang out again, I hope they do. I also hope he can still go to school. But yeah sexy story.
6/27/22, 10:55 PM
A nice start of a larger narrative. Let's see where this goes. I've got to admit my first read on Janus was that he came across as a bit manipulative. Not sure if this is intended or if it's just me, seeing as others are saying he is sweet/adorable, so mmh.
6/27/22, 5:28 AM
A wonderful ending to the series. Now to hope for the spin-off sequel 😊
6/27/22, 2:03 AM
I think you meant to say that Luke was smoking, but you didn't, and so when he offered to put it out, I had to go back to see what he needed to put out, but you didn't include that. Otherwise, it was very sweet and romantic while conveniently ignoring the magical manipulation.
6/27/22, 12:31 AM
Loved it. Great story. Truly great.
6/26/22, 8:19 PM
And the story with Jon and Theo goes on! I really LOVE this story! Hope there will be a lot of other sequels to this amazing roommates' adventures. Maybe one (or two...) of Jon's teammates can join them.