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9/1/22, 10:55 PM
I swear, this was written for me: “Yes buddy, I’m sure it did, but you see, he has amnesia.” Obmih gasped dramatically. “What’s that?” Obmih asked. You did amnesia, Cliff got nicer after his ordeal, the boys played dildo throwing (I wonder what inspired this?) and Himbo and B-dawg are boyfriends! :relaxed: Great episode, interesting foreshadowing and... AMNESIA!

9/1/22, 11:04 PM
@Essex Will the foreshadowing pay off? Maybe, maybe not :grin:
9/1/22, 9:13 PM
Amazing chapter. As I see it these two were made for each other and you must keep them together. But again it is your story so who am I to ntell you what to do. I will read everything you write I have become addicted to your writing.
9/1/22, 4:43 PM
OMG This was my fantasy 100%. I had a chance to be a hypnotized boy toy a few years ago but chickened out. I have tried to find that guy but he has gone. No trace of him. I have beat off to that memory many times. Just once I would love to escape my straight married life and try to other side. Thank you for an incredible story!
9/1/22, 7:27 AM
Yes! I've been waiting for the pup :grin: The "it's not grandma, is it?" made me laugh. The creativity of this story is incredible, and i'm hyped for the next chapter!

9/1/22, 4:13 PM
@Norismo Thank you Norismo for your kind words. I'm so glad it made you laugh, too. More to come, for sure!
5/31/22, 3:49 AM
An incredible chapter! The balance between the drama of the baseball game and the aching pornographic content of the sex scene was perfect. You also do a great job reminding the audience that, while Luke DID use a horrible slur and broke Sammy’s heart, Sammy himself was rather deceptive and making assumptions (especially because this chapter continues to make it clear that Luke has absolutely NO ability to pick up on other people’s sexuality or desires unless it’s extremely explicit). It’s also interesting to see how this condition is literally changing Luke’s body…can’t wait to see what happens next! You are an incredible writer! :D

5/31/22, 10:39 AM
@Feed Your Head So I personally feel like Sammy wasn’t being deceptive at all. Taken from his point of view, it’s entirely reasonable to think that Sammy and Luke’s feelings were mutual. At worse it’s a breakdown in communication, but as well as Sammy knows Luke, he’s not a mind reader. It’s important to me that Sammy is shown in a good light, not as a bully or someone manipulative.

5/31/22, 2:05 PM
@Charlie Walker I don’t think Sammy comes across as manipulative at all. He seems to be genuinely trying to talk with Luke about what they have going on in the previous chapter. At worst Sammy maybe seems a little too caught up in his own crush so that he hadn’t noticed the somewhat mixed signals he was getting from Luke.

5/31/22, 2:27 PM
@Charlie Walker Oh, oh. Don’t worry—Sammy is definitely NOT a bully, or even a manipulative person! I think, as R.P. said, the worst thing he did was get caught up in his feelings and make assumptions, which is something a lot of people do. My own interpretation of him as a little manipulative is purely my own baggage (I’m someone who has struggled with communication and boundaries between partners in the past). Plus with Luke as our POV character (and a well-written one at that), it’s natural that we might start assuming his perspective. Sammy is a great guy, and I hope that he and Luke reconcile! But to do that, Luke needs to start talking about things, and he seems to struggle with that…

9/1/22, 2:12 PM
@Charlie Walker I am pleased you said that & agree with you
5/31/22, 7:51 AM
I feel really bad for Sammy. I really hope Luke can wake up to himself and they can reconcile. Also hope he doesn't mind Luke being a huge butt slut. What a stellar sex scene. Just amazing! So damned hot the two of them. And their inability to be in control. I have my suspicions about Mark's cock. Perhaps he has his own curse he's contending with.

9/1/22, 2:10 PM
8/4/22, 6:05 AM
MORE PLEASE!! I keep coming back wishing and hoping and praying for more.

8/4/22, 12:03 PM
Don’t worry Chapter 7 is coming! I’m taking a short breather and working on a new project. If you want to read more nasty sex from me, check out Coach Tom’s Rookie Mistake @BottomBear29

8/31/22, 8:25 PM
@Charlie Walker I originally started with Luke then went to the Coach story but it quickly became clear I needed to read this one first. I am a romantic & hope Luke & Sammy & Mark all make up and develop a threesome and the Coach helps all of them. But that is just me & this is your baby & I will like wherever you take it & us your fans.

8/31/22, 10:32 PM
@br6205 Don't worry everyone will get a happy ending, it just might not be the ending you expected ;)

9/1/22, 1:36 PM
@Charlie Walker Thanks .
7/3/22, 6:07 AM
Another fantastic chapter. Hot as always. And fill of confusion. I hope coach can help, even just as an easy. It is important for a boy to have someone he can trust. I'm also hoping he can find a balance with his need and makes things up to Mark and Sammy do they don't feel avoided or used. While the motivation is clear, it breaks my heart that poor Mark is left feeling lonely and avoided. And that dear Sammy feels betrayed and unloved. With luck, coach can get our boys had clear and he can mend some fences.

9/1/22, 1:17 PM
@Evan Well said & I feel the same. Luke has his issues but he must make it right to those who have a clear relationship with him. Friends are treasures & he needs to realize that and mend fences.
7/2/22, 7:13 PM
LOVE this series BUT I do hope Luke and sammy become a couple. Its the romantic in me LOL His dream had me worried it was Very HOT and it is a fantasy in a fantasy world. Amazing writing!!!

8/31/22, 8:18 PM
@TeddybearTOAgree with you.
8/31/22, 11:39 AM
I love the idea of a gay sailor moon ripoff. Very nicely written too! Are we going to see more magical boys in the future? I hope there will be many more chapters.

8/31/22, 5:10 PM
@Snowbourn Thank you so much! We're working on it! We've got one more scene left for the next chapter, which introduces a new Magical Boy!