Recent Comments

3/29/24, 4:24 AM
Keep going! While a familiar trope, these series are always great!!
3/28/24, 6:13 PM
Campus magnum? Idk what that’s about but I would love to see more & where the cards will come & take them maybe it might even interest me to try my own story….who knows. Wanna c it through though
3/28/24, 6:52 AM
Nice. Simple. Let’s see what happen nexts
3/28/24, 6:12 AM
Well written. Enjoyed this very much and hopefully will get to see this game played out!
3/27/24, 5:21 PM
Long time reader, first time commenter - this story is why i read this site. I’ve recently started hooking up with this older couple and I’ve felt some of the way Brad feels here- I haven’t gotten the happy scene Brad enjoys here but I’m really rooting for him. Keep up the amazing work🙏

3/28/24, 12:07 AM
@[BeezingKing](/user/show/2230179) Thank you sir. I have not personally been in a relationship like that, but I have several poly friends who have, so I have witnessed the good and the bad from the outside to try to draw on.
3/27/24, 11:50 PM
I've always loved the straight to gay game stories. I can't wait for more.
3/27/24, 11:04 PM
Reread it and it was amazing.
3/27/24, 9:47 PM
Very good
3/27/24, 7:46 PM
Beautiful. I love when the Bottom is in charge.
3/27/24, 6:50 PM
Me gustaría saber la opinión de lo que piensan de la historia, algo que les quedará de incógnita, que les gusto más, cual culo les pareció que disfruto más, cual trasero o traseros les gustaría probar… o lo que quieran opinar. Estaré contestando los comentarios, sino desean que les responda (lo cual es comprensible dependiendo de la persona y sus gustos) solo deben poner un “*” al final del comentario. Gracias siempre. (Si soy muy perezoso y es el mismo comentario que antes, pero creo que es el que acapara bien todas las partes, que no se note mi pereza) :writing_hand: :penguin: