Recent Comments

2/11/23, 9:43 AM
Nice story, and agreed, a very sudden but sweet ending :)
2/10/23, 2:09 AM
What a hot story!

2/10/23, 10:16 PM
@[Heru Kane](/user/show/56823) Thank you!!
2/10/23, 4:53 PM
I was not expecting the ending but I really enjoyed it.

2/10/23, 4:55 PM
@[amul](/user/show/10003734) Yea. I was originally gonna go with something a bit less pleasant. But. I’m a sucker for a happy ending.

2/10/23, 5:12 PM
@[Alpha Artemis](/user/show/1997819) Well quite possibly Chaz was planning something worse but accidentally got his daddy heart stolen along the way. 😊
2/10/23, 5:09 PM
Great story! What a fascinating setting for more chapters. Nice and kinky but also has a kind of “safe” feel because it’s a public facing business not some shady org that makes unsuspecting boys vanish into the night.
2/10/23, 4:43 PM
Fantastic story! Would love to see more of Dawson and the other employees' journeys, especially with more mental control (e.g. is there more to the fact that the patrons like seeing them as full drones?).
2/10/23, 11:52 AM
Loved the story, can't wait for more.
2/10/23, 10:49 AM
Follow him please...
2/10/23, 7:38 AM
I like the idea and your writing, i hope there will be more, soon!
2/10/23, 4:42 AM
Great premise, short, succinct but worth it. Plenty of room for continuing.
2/10/23, 3:17 AM
Very nice. I hope we hear more about 207 and 218.