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3/6/23, 8:59 PM
I'm guessing we'll see both options, but I *am* pretty excited to read about X having some more fun with a man in uniform.
3/6/23, 4:49 AM
Uggggggggggh he's gotta give in eventually, right?! But I say Option 2, he runs. More changes would be fun.

3/6/23, 8:55 PM
@[GiveInToTheMusk](/user/show/909380) He does -- it's a branched story. If you go back a chapter, you can click option 1 to see him give in instead.
2/24/23, 2:46 PM
I’m curious how this is a Cupid story when it reads as a straight mind control story. Mark is totally controlled, mind fucked to oblivion, and has no grasp on reality. Don’t get me wrong, this is a good spiral story. But as a romance, it makes me shudder.

3/6/23, 2:37 PM
@[amul](/user/show/10003734) I do think this one has a little bit of romance in it, not as romantic but as Alex being taken care of by his controller, opposed to being treated badly just for the sake of being mean or being sold off to stranger who has tendency to amputate or snuff him out.
3/6/23, 2:11 PM
Do we get to vote? Continue then…
3/6/23, 11:48 AM
Returned for another joyous read. Imagining live models for an art class with one remaining human student...
3/6/23, 7:46 AM
Torn now - which way ? Let’s try option two once more
3/6/23, 4:26 AM
Option 2- i like the idea of optional rules.
3/6/23, 2:00 AM
On dirait que récemment les histoires en français ont le vent en poupe ici. Donc, merci, c'est plus facile à lire et en plus tu as fait un travail descriptif formidable d'une histoire de vie quotidienne avec un joli dessin pour l'accompagner. C'est peut-être pas sexuellement très poussé mais érotiquement bien amené. En plus, aucun des deux n'avait une mauvaise personnalité, ce qui est toujours agréable. Voyant ce résultat, l'histoire que j'aimerais publier ici (en français et en anglais) si j'arrive à faire la mise en page et trouve le courage pour le concrétiser paraît ridicule... En tout cas, bonne continuation que ce soit avec une suite à celle-ci ou une autre. Tu as vraiment les qualités pour continuer.
3/6/23, 12:06 AM
The snake god is defeated!!!🎉 Quite a few plt threads that paid off in ways I did not expect. Uh-oh, the teacher is still running around, and the Jason and Qareth plot is far from resolved...

3/6/23, 12:11 AM
@[BobbyBlobfish](/user/show/700733) Yes, he is defeated -for now-. But as long as there is one of his followers alive, they will strive for his return. And yes, the story of Stephano and Jason,/Qareh is far from over.
3/6/23, 12:05 AM
I just relly liked it. More, pleas!