Recent Comments

Jun 17, 2023
6/18/23, 4:21 AM
Such a sensitive touching story!!!

6/18/23, 4:45 AM
@[Stroppy Author](/user/show/227812) Thank you! I was literally sobbing as I wrote it.
6/17/23, 7:56 PM
The complexity of the coin/pet relationship is one of my favorite things about this series, aside from the truly exemplary writing and imagination displayed. It's such a caring relationship while also being so deeply strong in power dynamics. And Aristotle's subtle manipulation of Jasper, while problematic in the real world, makes for such good story.

6/18/23, 2:30 AM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) Those dynamics along with the lore of the culture are definitely a huge part of what I love about writing this story with Cuddle-switch, so it's great to hear that that's part of what you're enjoying the most! Actually, Cuddle-switch and I wrote a short roleplaying game based on the Golden Lattice Ceremony -- I'm just working on some illustrations for the layout and it'll be ready to go!
6/12/23, 10:42 PM
The 500+ word intro was written by AI, right? Just wondering... It doesn't seem to have much to do with the actual story.

6/12/23, 10:52 PM
@Anonymous Is there something wrong with setting a scene?

6/12/23, 11:32 PM
@The Author (name hidden due to challenge) Of course not. It's just, in my opinion, about twice the length it needs to be to accomplish the effect you're going for. It's better for the reader if you can paint the picture more concisely, and trust them to fill in the details with their imagination. You ever hear that saying, "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter"? This introduction drags on. And worse, the flowery tone of the introduction doesn't match the rest of the prose. I'm just offering some feedback. You're welcome to ignore it.

6/13/23, 12:12 AM
@Anonymous Naw I appreciate feedback and perhaps I need to rethink the intro.

6/17/23, 9:18 PM
@The Author (name hidden due to challenge) See...and I appreciated the intro as a setting for a multi-chapter story. Let the majors their pursuing their changes if they have them. Make the Wide Receiver someone who loves to be fisted---you know, a WIDE RECEIVER. If this was a stand alone perhaps Anon has a point, but hoping this can become a series. Maybe bring grandpa back....who knows. Lots of options.
6/17/23, 7:24 PM
I love the idea and it's really well-written for a first story! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

6/17/23, 7:27 PM
@[BobbyBlobfish](/user/show/700733) Thank you!
6/17/23, 6:50 PM
Very hot. Would love the changes to be slower though with more detail.

6/17/23, 7:26 PM
@[Leoscurse](/user/show/1219438) I'll be sure to add some detail to the changes in the next chapter!
6/16/23, 3:32 AM
A sweet appetizer for what's coming next.

6/17/23, 3:24 AM
@[Cutlerfan](/user/show/14171) Thank you for consistent kind words. They mean a lot to me and I hope you continue to enjoy my writing. ❤️
6/16/23, 11:26 PM
I continue to be flabbergasted at how good this is. And it's striking deep chords in me, erotic without a ton of eroticism, making me think. well done. I feel like I keep saying that but each chapter is a delight.

6/17/23, 3:15 AM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) Honestly, your comments mean so much to us! It's so wonderful to hear what you're enjoying about the story! (In other words, we are happy to read as many comments as you feel like writing!) Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.
6/14/23, 11:06 PM
This was completely remarkable. Literary in tone and a fantastic amount of world-building. And I definitely saw the Altered Carbon nods.

6/16/23, 11:52 AM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) Thank you so much, that's hugely encouraging to us both! Actually, we have some plans to eventually do some rewriting of about the first 8 chapters to smooth a few things and maybe add a bit more here and there. Probably after the next chapter we publish!
6/15/23, 8:44 PM
I absolutely adore the slow-burn nature of this. The imagery is amazing, and the little hints of what is to come are so titillating. Just fantastic.
6/15/23, 5:55 PM
This is so damn wholesome my god. Wholesome, well written and I love everyone in it. Yarif is peak himbo and I love him.

6/15/23, 6:15 PM
@[Neon Demon](/user/show/10023852) Awww. Shucks dude. Thanks for the read. Ehh... Yeah. He really is a character close to my heart. I sure hope he doesn't get too badly messed around in the story...:eyes: