Recent Comments

6/25/23, 1:19 PM
It's interesting to see that on the one hand Liam is recognizing that the bullies might have a good side and on the other being corrupt enough to completely ignore that in order to "complete his mission" One thing I don't understand is why Liam heart sank at the end of this chapter. Since they weren't a couple, it makes sense that Mason will meet people on Grindr. Liam knew that they are not in a relationship so I don't get why he was surprised by that. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next chapter to see what his next wish will be. P.S. Oh, and there are many things that can be said about Liam losing his years, but it seems like he's getting a very successful life. Becoming a professor at 24 years of age is a big deal.

6/25/23, 4:06 PM
@Reader That's very fair to say, I guess I didn't think an assistant coach was a professor. To me he's just helping out at practice at the moment. The rest is all yet to come, the rest of how it all plays out. You will see.
6/25/23, 2:56 PM
hot hot hot!!!
6/25/23, 2:30 PM
Wow! Great plot, great writing, I can’t wait for more. Please continue!
6/24/23, 4:03 PM
This was a really cool story but please tell me there are more chapters!

6/25/23, 1:45 PM
@[randy7869](/user/show/980242) Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it that much!
6/25/23, 3:45 AM
Oh okay, now i got it, the price of the label wish is his age. Nice, i wonder whats gonna happen next, especially his relationship history with Mason as he gets older.

6/25/23, 4:04 AM
@[DJeiKier](/user/show/10021357) Yeah that's all in good time. There's at least two more chapters ahead.
6/24/23, 3:45 PM
More..More..Love to see more of anything about **BROTHERS**:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
6/24/23, 3:11 PM
I absolutely love Thad, and Alexander -- Bellamy I'm more conflicted on, but that's fine. I have really enjoyed what you've put out so far, and think the writing is top notch. Very glad you were recommended by Soren Fitz!
6/24/23, 5:49 AM
A very intriguing beginning to this story. I especially enjoyed the double twist at the end with the CEO's partial plan being revealed followed immediately by the technicians undermining it.

6/24/23, 1:22 PM
@[amul](/user/show/10003734) I wasn't originally going to have the double twist. It was originally going to just be Patrick kind of screwing himself by ignoring the warnings and giving in to his desires. Sean originally only planned to do exactly what he put in the contract and offer, but he gave in to temptation at the last minute to ensure that he had complete control of Patrick. So that meant that Sean needed to be taken down a peg as well. Part of the story's intent was to illustrate how people could be corrupted by this technology, and the three technicians were not completely amoral and we know that whistleblowers are a thing so...

6/24/23, 1:38 PM
@[Nocturne13](/user/show/263497) Yeah, I really liked that part and thought it rang true. These technicians would have to be smart people but at the same time they don't have the kind of wealth and power that their boss has. Would they just go along with his shameless plan to enslave someone? Would you? If the opportunity presented itself to be the fly in the ointment to that kind of dastardly plan, wouldn't you do it? I think a lot of people would.
6/24/23, 5:14 AM
Please part 2!

6/24/23, 1:22 PM
@[John](/user/show/10013303) I'm glad you liked it. Since this is an anthology series, the next part I am planning to post will be its own standalone story dealing with AI. But I agree the characters are really interesting and so is the situation. I probably will revisit this a little later. Even though it's framed in a high-tech setting and gay, this is after all basically the story of a rich man paying for plastic surgery for his companion, and that is absolutely a real thing that happens which means the dramatic beats are completely valid.
6/24/23, 3:49 AM
I loved this chapter even more than the first. And...something strange and fun was going on in that library basement, and with that frat. I love wondering if there's a weird magic at play.