Recent Comments

7/24/23, 3:30 PM
Please write more. I can't wait the next episode.
7/23/23, 11:05 PM
Aagh!! I can't believe we get to decide! What to do!? I feel like Peter is waiting for me to decide for him! What a wonderful immersive experience :blush: Yet of course I'm gonna follow both paths in the end and see where they lead. I'm luckier than this pastor since I can traverse through different universes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: But still, I love the feeling of my choice having an impact. And who would have thought a narrative fork could be so full of sensuality? They're usually just an introduction but this piece is as hot as any of the hottest chapters that precede it! Incredible! Let's see what's behind door #XX!
7/23/23, 9:13 PM
Found myself getting harder each time the story mentioned someone growing fatter. So hot! Maybe it's time I change my eating habits! The pics in the links are also so damned hot!
Jul 22, 2023
7/23/23, 1:37 PM
A surprisingly sweet story. He gets his identity rewritten, but finding out it was because of his daughter is kind of cute? The fact that he continues to think about and care about his kids really does it for me. The Asher stuff kind of seems like a red herring, but it helps keep his focus on his children, so it works. Good job, and thanks for the story.
Jul 22, 2023
7/23/23, 5:54 AM
An incredible enthralling transformation tale!
7/22/23, 5:46 PM
Congrats on finishing this masterpiece!

7/22/23, 10:14 PM
@[Max Lode](/user/show/338113) A masterpiece, you say—oh, do go on. No, I kid. I don’t need this to be my legacy, but I’m glad it’s caught some dudes in the cajones, as they say. I’m gratified you enjoyed it!
7/22/23, 9:33 AM
Spoilers for the other ending: Thank you S.Q.Neemie for sticking with the story and making the only choice that could have possible satisfied the very divided fanbase. I would personally have preferred a solution more in the middle. This happy ending is maybe a bit to happy. I really liked the bits about the corruption spreading in the world with the family gathering, the marines and so on. But the breaking of Blake was so heartbreaking and the complete lack of love and consideration for the sons so devastating that I have to go with this ending instead. The part when the Russos broke out of Tanners spell was especially heart warming. That family was so kind and wholesome before and it was really great to see that kindness restored. And I do like the idea of Jiang still out there continuing Tanners work. The small hints of his work just did not do it for me the same way the scenarios in the other ending did.

7/22/23, 10:11 PM
@[Lytcom](/user/show/602531) I did wonder about a middle road, but opinion was divided so passionately I thought it best to take both extremes. I probably am the problem with politics today. Thanks for reading and making such substantive comments—I really do appreciate them!
7/21/23, 4:52 PM
I love this series so much!! It has been a fantastic ride. Thank you again for providing both the good and bad endings to this great series.

7/22/23, 10:09 PM
@DadSonLover Wild ride is right—can’t believe how long I’ve been at this one.
7/21/23, 1:40 PM
Very happy with this ending! Thanks for keeping with it

7/22/23, 10:08 PM
@[TheWalkingAlive](/user/show/925088) Thanks for reading and commenting!
7/22/23, 6:14 AM
Sorry,but i just LOVE BAD ENDINGS. That's whats great about purely fictional fetishes and fantasies.Wussy gooddie goodies don't have to win. Now i'm imagining in my dark perverted mind Sam Argyll's complete surrender to evil and the marine gangbang,...and the Russo's gangbang. Oh the horror,that my comments might raise??

7/22/23, 10:07 PM
@[EJG](/user/show/1050471) I’d never say no to a spin-off series, if that’s what you’re thinking… ;)