Recent Comments

7/30/23, 9:43 PM
This concept is a great mix of humor and hot, love it!
7/30/23, 5:30 AM
I hope you'll continue this story. It was very enjoyable and seemed primed for sequels. Especially regarding the pack of well-endowed werewolves that await the protagonist, forbidden to touch themselves and dedicated to the service of their Alpha.

7/30/23, 6:20 AM
@[Rock Creek Werewolf](/user/show/10002145) I have every intention of continuing, when the inspiration for it strikes. :)

7/30/23, 12:30 PM
@[Charlie Walker](/user/show/1052782) Very cool. There’s a great implicit tension in the scenario you describe. Many horny hung werewolves, forbidden to touch themselves, competing for Alpha’s time, attention, & ass. What if they’re horny but cannot serve Alpha at a given moment? What if Alpha punishes a bad-packmember, withholding his ass? How do they keep Alpha’s status as an Alpha-Omega a secret from other packs? What will they think of this new small & scrawny stray that Alpha brings home as his favorite? How do they jostle to be the new latest favorite? Lots of great potential for drama & hot hot sex. Looking fwd to the characters/personalities you will create. Bravo!
7/28/23, 9:42 PM
What a wonderful intriguing and unique story! Thank you for posting this!

7/30/23, 10:38 AM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) Thanks, I'd have never written it if I didn't have somewhere to publish it so thanks for having me!
7/29/23, 10:59 PM
A great ending!

7/30/23, 2:46 AM
@[Cutlerfan](/user/show/14171) Thaaanks one last upload next week 💚

7/30/23, 3:27 AM
@[Blue85](/user/show/10011960) Yayyy, an epilogue!
7/29/23, 5:56 PM
7/29/23, 3:11 PM
7/29/23, 12:42 PM
You're just tackling all my kinks with this one. 🔥 SENT
7/29/23, 3:55 AM
Thanks man! Keep writing
puppy boi
7/28/23, 7:10 PM
These series is so good and hot on so many levels.. like pls i can't wait to see how this continues...

7/29/23, 2:06 AM
@puppy boi Oh thank you so much. I do have the next part all planned out, I just have too many stories I need to write and finding time to get to it is tough right now.
7/28/23, 9:01 PM
Love this! Would also love more.
7/28/23, 4:42 PM
Hot, you should do more of this.
7/27/23, 11:53 PM
And looove looove looove behind door #2! :musical_note: I must confess, this might be my favorite ending from the two alternatives. But only by a very tiny distance! They are neck-to-neck. I really like how you gradually implemented the love factor as the countermeasure for Tanner's plans. The puritan or traditional way of thinking would have been from incestual desire to no sex at all. Yet, you managed to turn the narrative around to align the axis towards Abuse vs Love. And that's just BRILLIANT! Because we get all the hot stuff but without any of the characters suffering. All the families seem so sweet! I'm very happy they're finally in their good place. I'd feel sorry for Jiang, but being honest I'm pretty sure he's having fun too! Blake and Peter have been tracking him for 5 years already and that makes me think they're not the best at their job :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Maybe they get too distracted by their love to each other to focus on their mission. In any case, Jiang has had the chance to corrupt plenty of American families during those years, which in turn I guess those families have been purified by the demon-hunters. And still, that only means more incest for the USA! :joy: So keep on running Jiang!! Don't let them catch you! I must admit that I would be ten times sadder of Tanner's disintegration if it wasn't for the alternative ending. I am hoping the mark in the floor is what happens when a demon is sent back to hell... But I'm certain that that's wishful thinking ;) I sincerely can't find the words to express how happy this story has made me. If there was a hall of fame, Love Begins at Home should definitely have an important place in it. So thank you, for being an excellent writer and putting the time and effort to bring us these incredible 26 chapters!
7/27/23, 11:37 PM
And after choosing Door #1...! Wow! What a sexy ending! For a moment I felt sad for Blake. He's so lovely that it broke my heart when he was utterly betrayed and then abused by his father. But then came the epilogue and that sounded like the hottest thing. A world being conquered by corruption and debauchery? Sounds like fiction-paradise! :fire: So yes, if you ever plan to do a spin-off series focusing on the adventures of my most favorite demon ever, you can count with my support! :grin: Now, as per door #2...!
Jul 22, 2023
7/27/23, 12:54 PM
Great story! What a fantastic makeover. I love that Adonis Ken is just as connected to his kids as dutiful Dad Steve. Interesting too to see the positive impact of Ken’s perfect genes and fabulousness on future Asher.
7/26/23, 1:47 PM
Awesome story, I could not put it down!!!!

7/26/23, 10:37 PM
@[br6205](/user/show/10027864) Thank you for the kind words. Knowing the length of the story, I know that couldn't have been an easy task, haha!
Jul 22, 2023
7/25/23, 10:13 PM
I think this actually transcends smut, though it certainly has all the requisite features required, because I've left the story not only knowing poor drab Steve, but also knowing Liberace Ken, and both were fascinating studies. I liked how the transformations that took place were gradual and seemed to happen with the situations he was in. The only thing that confused me was the Future-Asher appearance. Was that literally just a random dream?

7/26/23, 12:04 AM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) Thank you for the nice words! The dream was meant to foreshadow not only the drastic transformation Steve would go through, but also the "butterfly effect" of it affecting everyone around him, including his family (and, I guess, his DNA!)
7/25/23, 1:47 PM
Your characters are so real and so fucking hot. You sell their straightness so well that when we watch them doing gay things it feels all the hotter! Every little scene from beginning to end is fun as hell, one romp after another, and I love all the cum and pre Benito makes; that shit gets me going. You wrapped everything up perfectly. This is a real winner.

7/25/23, 10:53 PM
@[Soren Fitz](/user/show/10011670) Thank you for the kind words, Soren. I had a lot of fun outlining and writing the characters, so I'm especially glad to hear that folks enjoyed them. > and I love all the cum and pre Benito makes; that shit gets me going. Oh, I believe you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
7/25/23, 3:17 AM
That was terrific. Can't wait to see who the author is.

7/25/23, 10:48 PM
@[Jockboy Joe](/user/show/910088) We shall see! :wink:
7/25/23, 7:36 PM
this series is amazing, and i cant wait for you to explore the awesome potential it has!!!! :DDDD
7/25/23, 6:03 AM
This chapter was PERFECT! In addition to seeing all of the already-massive guys indulging in their size, we get to see how the food affects everyone on the base. Watching Will and Connor slowly getting seduced by the food--and especially Will justifying why he's getting fatter--is incredibly hot. They both seem aware of what's happening, but something is making them powerless to stop. That, plus the guys getting more affectionate, cuddly, and lazier, makes for an even better chapter than before. I can see why these scenes are your favorites--awesome work! :D
7/25/23, 4:20 AM
Those fucking sexy daddies are really insatiable. Our protagonist needs put all these bitches (jocks and daddies) in their place.
7/25/23, 1:00 AM
I'm happy to see Connor and Will moving towards being a couple. They will do well together.
7/24/23, 6:40 PM
So many big, rotund, lazy men! So hot! I would love being their naked slave, doing all their chores, sexually satisfying them and,. most of all, feeding them as they laid around lazily.
7/24/23, 4:44 PM
Slob squadron is growing quite well. Can't wait to see em get even bigger. Might have to get a scale that goes up to 1000 lbs.
7/24/23, 3:30 PM
Please write more. I can't wait the next episode.
7/23/23, 11:05 PM
Aagh!! I can't believe we get to decide! What to do!? I feel like Peter is waiting for me to decide for him! What a wonderful immersive experience :blush: Yet of course I'm gonna follow both paths in the end and see where they lead. I'm luckier than this pastor since I can traverse through different universes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: But still, I love the feeling of my choice having an impact. And who would have thought a narrative fork could be so full of sensuality? They're usually just an introduction but this piece is as hot as any of the hottest chapters that precede it! Incredible! Let's see what's behind door #XX!
7/23/23, 9:13 PM
Found myself getting harder each time the story mentioned someone growing fatter. So hot! Maybe it's time I change my eating habits! The pics in the links are also so damned hot!
Jul 22, 2023
7/23/23, 1:37 PM
A surprisingly sweet story. He gets his identity rewritten, but finding out it was because of his daughter is kind of cute? The fact that he continues to think about and care about his kids really does it for me. The Asher stuff kind of seems like a red herring, but it helps keep his focus on his children, so it works. Good job, and thanks for the story.