Recent Comments

9/4/23, 4:48 PM
I just continue to love this story so much -- though damnit, everyone, get with the god sex romp and have unbridled fun with it until it all comes crashing down around them!

9/4/23, 9:07 PM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) What could possibly go wrong with an unbridled god sex romp? :wink:

9/5/23, 3:32 AM
@[bluesuedewho](/user/show/1225367) So many wonderful things can go so delightfully wrong... ;-)
9/4/23, 8:01 PM
I don't know why you're so anxious about this story. It's a classic rubbrsome, maybe not just as refined as your later work, but it still checks all the marks that I'd expect of your stories!

9/4/23, 11:12 PM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) Oh ... you just wait. The story becomes very talkie. Basically, a character is going to talk and talk and talk. There will be some action. But I had to learn that it's better to move the story by showing, not telling. Later chapters will feel bogged down by exposition.
9/3/23, 9:17 PM
So happy you’re back, your writing is a gift. No comments on the chapter yet as I haven’t finished it.

9/4/23, 9:06 PM
@[brium](/user/show/10011305) Hopefully it lives up to expectations.
9/3/23, 6:17 PM
The ethical slut HAHAHAHA love that crossover

9/4/23, 9:06 PM
@[revenge88fics](/user/show/917832) :wink:
9/3/23, 4:14 AM
Holy shit, how did I miss this story before?! This was AMAZING! I'm so excited for more. You write the absolute best reality change stories on the site. So so so much talent.

9/4/23, 9:05 PM
@[EdIam](/user/show/17145) Oh, thanks! What a great compliment! I credit it to reading too much smut over the years.
9/4/23, 1:04 PM
You are one of my favorite writers, and it's stuff like this that's why. Humor, plot, world building, all while delivering some of the hottest erotic writing on the site. I'm glad you get commissions for your work, because you deserve to be paid for your talent! Fanboi-ing a bit here but I wanted you to know.

9/4/23, 7:51 PM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) What a delightful comment to come home to! Thanks! I thrive on comments, so this really made my day.
9/4/23, 5:35 PM
Perhaps by the next chapter his brow will return from its furlough.

9/4/23, 7:09 PM
@[Kim_Jaewon](/user/show/1327650) I guess this is more a problem of text being bad at conveying tone, but I genuinely can't tell if you're riffing on Jace's malapropisms in a playful way, or if you missed the joke and are trying to snark at what you think is a typo...

9/4/23, 7:44 PM
@[Kim_Jaewon](/user/show/1327650) It doesn't have much of a choice in *this* economy.
9/4/23, 3:49 AM
Aug 31, 2023
9/2/23, 4:54 PM
I'm a sucker for a romantic possession story and this one is great so far. I hope our officer is treated as well as Ben by whomever continues this tale.

9/2/23, 7:56 PM
@[Moo68au](/user/show/919772) Thank you! I also hope someone treats him well -- there's a lot of potential there!
Aug 31, 2023
9/2/23, 5:11 AM
I am sorry but the moment I saw "Ben Shapiro" I couldn't stop reading all his lines in that nasaly voice and my boner died down, really liked the writing though ngl

9/2/23, 7:55 PM
@[Lavender Lad](/user/show/10019272) Thanks to both you and @Speaks for giving me your reactions. I really appreciate it! And I changed the name.