Recent Comments

9/4/23, 10:47 AM
Yeah, just in terms of "a story I would read no matter how much you dived into the details", this is exactly my sort of thing. Maybe not erotic specifically, but I'm interested as all fuck in what you're doing here.

9/6/23, 4:28 PM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) That's great to hear. The other main parts of fracture will also expand the world in different ways.
9/5/23, 12:04 AM
Amazing story so far, but to be fair when I'm reading on this site my mind forgets what grammar or spelling is 🤣

9/6/23, 5:09 AM
@Flamefox23 You're forgetting grammar and spelling? What (pray tell) is your mind focusing on?
9/5/23, 2:56 AM
So happy you're sharing this with us!!

9/6/23, 5:08 AM
@[NeedControlling](/user/show/1223696) I'll have to admit, I'm starting to feel a little happy returning to this.
9/5/23, 9:24 PM
I feel like my first series ("RECRUITS") is a terrible mess, but it still has very ardent fans. I think there's value in looking at old work and recognizing how much growth has occurred -- it shouldn't take away from the joy you felt when writing it for the first time. I'm excited to see more.

9/6/23, 1:05 AM
@[absman420](/user/show/162063) Recruits? Is that on this site? If not, you're going to have to post it!
9/5/23, 12:31 AM
I want this to never end.

9/5/23, 7:58 PM
@[Beaner](/user/show/2654278) I don't know about never ending, but this will definitely be a long one.
Aug 31, 2023
9/3/23, 6:53 AM
A truly original idea, realized with wit and panache! Be still, my...well, you know... Now I must go back and enjoy your other stories which I somehow missed. And I look forward to more in the future.

9/5/23, 3:47 PM
@[Fingrfethr](/user/show/701382) You've been SO SUPPORTIVE! I might just have to keep writing -- thank you!
Aug 31, 2023
9/2/23, 1:04 AM
Wow! This was a surprise. Well done.

9/5/23, 3:46 PM
@Jemsea13 Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
Jun 17, 2023
8/20/23, 2:17 PM
Super sleep deprived reading this lol. It was super hard to read because I kept tearing up. Really good. I love the “waking up from a coma and seeing your loved one next to you” trope.

9/5/23, 3:04 PM
@[Mroof01234](/user/show/10002421) Thanks! I was mostly that writing it.
9/4/23, 4:48 PM
I just continue to love this story so much -- though damnit, everyone, get with the god sex romp and have unbridled fun with it until it all comes crashing down around them!

9/4/23, 9:07 PM
@[DaymionMC](/user/show/10033419) What could possibly go wrong with an unbridled god sex romp? :wink:

9/5/23, 3:32 AM
@[bluesuedewho](/user/show/1225367) So many wonderful things can go so delightfully wrong... ;-)
9/4/23, 8:01 PM
I don't know why you're so anxious about this story. It's a classic rubbrsome, maybe not just as refined as your later work, but it still checks all the marks that I'd expect of your stories!

9/4/23, 11:12 PM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) Oh ... you just wait. The story becomes very talkie. Basically, a character is going to talk and talk and talk. There will be some action. But I had to learn that it's better to move the story by showing, not telling. Later chapters will feel bogged down by exposition.