Recent Comments

10/2/22, 1:40 AM
This is so hot: the pacing is delicious, and the premise and your writing style are both excellent.
10/1/22, 11:01 PM
Loved it. You know you are creative, and this story shows that. In a land of make believe I will wait patiently for your next chapter. Daddy is pregnant? This is getting better and better. :)

10/1/22, 11:12 PM
@Steve Jones Whoever thought I was winding down to the end, I hope now sees there is still room for tons more crazy before then. Super glad you loved it, thank you as always for your kind words.
10/1/22, 3:10 PM
Just read this for the first time, and how fun is it!!? 🤪 Looking forward to more. 😋

10/1/22, 11:08 PM
@NeedControlling Thanks for your kind words, I'm stoked you're having fun with the story so far. Part 2 will be up soon, see you there!
9/30/22, 9:03 AM
Oh shit what is the Wicked Bitch up to now, I can't wait for more! What a lovely story, as always!

10/1/22, 5:05 AM
@Twan Andersen What indeed! She's up to no good, that's for sure. Thanks as always for the comment, Twan, More to come soon!
9/30/22, 3:26 PM
(For some reason I thought I had already commented on this here) Although it's a bit _too_ sweet sometimes, I really love how saccharine everything in this world is, while keeping the interactions natural and not too unrealistic (despite the predicament in question). Fantastic job, as always.
9/30/22, 7:09 AM
A++ for originality and imagination!

9/30/22, 1:11 PM
@Fingrfethr Cheers dude, I do like me the creative side of fiction… oh I forgot to do a car pun… Ehh that’s for reading., your comment really *drives* me to keep writing.
9/29/22, 6:11 AM
I’m glad I finally got to reading this story! I can’t resist good cum inflation, and this was delicious.

9/30/22, 3:52 AM
@Soren Fitz haha, thank you! I really ought to indulge more often, given that it's my namesake lmao I'm still in the process of slowly cleaning up older stories to post here, so hopefully some of the others are to your taste too 💖 :P
9/29/22, 9:51 AM
Ha! This last sentence is simply irresistible. What a treat! And also: can’t wait for the Royal Bitch to get her comeuppance. She soooo deserves a nasty ending! Thanks 😊

9/29/22, 8:54 PM
@Yunnick Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it. That sentence is the very reason why I split it in two, it was just too fun to pass up. As for RB, we'll see what's she's cooking soon enough.
9/29/22, 6:52 AM
God I hope there's a part three soon

9/29/22, 9:20 AM
hello @Jimmy as the other comments may have clued you in since people keep stealing my shit i'm done writing for free sites. this fucking sucks donkey dick but it can't be helped. thanks for the love and support! this story would have had the most ballsy ending reveal of anything i've ever written.

9/29/22, 2:20 PM
@Daisy I. B. de Melcker I completely understand. We'd all be there if you did release on a non-paid site. I think you story really gets a lot of people's headspaces. Regardless though I hope you find some way to continue writing and receive the right level of respect for your work
9/29/22, 4:17 AM
Wait, no Futurama references? I almost feel cheated! Almost, but this is way better than some Futurama fanfic would've been!

9/29/22, 10:58 AM
@Anonymous Not that I don’t love Futurama. I just wanted to take my lore down a different *road*.