Recent Comments

8/23/23, 12:18 AM
Pues mientras tengamos papis esclavisaados, yo soy feliz~
8/22/23, 3:46 AM
I do not mean this as a criticism, but I'm with Noam. I'm almost impatient during the smut at this point, and it's all your fault for creating such an interesting set of characters in such a fascinating situation. :) Just wanna get to the plot!
8/20/23, 10:02 PM
Terrific story -- great construction! Really liked the way it read. Nice.

8/22/23, 12:22 AM
@[absman420](/user/show/162063) Thank you sir! Means a lot when the legends say stuff like this!
8/20/23, 10:28 PM
These boys gonna get hairy?
8/20/23, 3:19 PM
So glad you posted this! One of my favorite stories
8/20/23, 11:58 AM
Absolutely amazing.
8/20/23, 11:21 AM
That was a lot of work to write down. Thank you
8/20/23, 6:38 AM
This one is a classic. So glad to see you posting here.
8/20/23, 6:03 AM
An amazing story! Loved every word.
8/18/23, 7:23 PM
In the earlier comment it sounded like future chapters would be forthcoming. Is that still the plan? This was one of my favorite recent stories and I hope this is not where it comes to an end.